Thursday, October 4, 2012

Spreadsheets As Gradebooks

I tweeted earlier on Twitter that I have never used a spreadsheet before my technology course required its use through Google. We created a gradebook using this popular search engine. I had learned prior about spreadsheets, but never really saw a situation in which I would use them. However, after doing the previously mentioned assignment, I realized that spreadsheets may become very useful in my future. It was effortless to put the points all in and the sheet calculated the totals for each student without me doing anything. As I completed the steps of the project, I realized that this was a simpler and time-saving program to use instead of using a traditional paper gradebook. This program will definitely be a vital resource to make being a teacher easier. The idea of anything making the fact that I will be a first time teacher in a few years is comforting. I am glad that my technology class introduced me to this!